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Top Qualities of a Good Leader

#1 - Honesty and Integrity

Honesty and integrity is the core characteristic of every leader. Integrity enables leaders to develop trusty relationships. Trust is essential in all human relations and without trust leaders would not be able to influence other people’s behaviour to follow them. Followers want their leaders to be genuine and want to know that what they see is what they get.

Posted by: GraduateWings
7/7/2012 17:03:42

#2 - Enthusiastic and Passionate

Leaders are committed, dedicated and passionate about what they do. They are characterized by strong drive for excellence. Remember, people are more likely to follow and respond to a person of passion and dedication.

Posted by: GraduateWings
7/7/2012 17:03:00

#3 - Originality in Problem Solving

Outstanding leaders are good problem solvers and take unique approach to problem solving. They must be able to see the big picture and understand what the long range implications of any decision they make are.

Posted by: GraduateWings
7/7/2012 17:02:15

#4 - Self-confidence

Self-confidence is one of the most important attributes of leadership. Leaders that are self-confident are likely to take action orientated approach when dealing with challenges and are likely to persist in pursuit of their goals despite the initial problems and difficulties.

Posted by: GraduateWings
7/7/2012 16:59:49

#5 - Goal orientated

Good leaders are goal-orientated and exhibit strong drive for achievement. They approach situations or tasks with certain goals in mind and can doggedly stay on these tasks. However, these individuals are often impatient with delays and obstacles and may be dissatisfied with progress of their work.

Posted by: GraduateWings
7/7/2012 16:59:15

#6 - Desire to Help Others Grow

Leaders are characterised by their deep desire to help others grow to achieve their dreams and full potential. They constantly strive to raise people’s performance to a higher level to get most of their team to achieve the highest standards in all aspects of business.

Posted by: GraduateWings
7/7/2012 16:58:42